What is Gender Confirmation Surgery?

Gender confirmation surgery, also known as gender reassignment surgery or sex reassignment surgery, is a transformative and life-changing medical procedure that helps transgender and non-binary individuals align their physical appearance with their gender identity. It is a deeply personal decision that can have a profound impact on an individual's well-being and quality of life. At Reconstructive Surgical Arts, we understand the unique needs of the transgender and non-binary community and are committed to providing compassionate, sensitive, and expert care throughout every step of the surgical journey.

Led by Dr. McClung, an experienced reconstructive urologist with a specialization in gender-affirming surgeries, our practice offers a wide range of services tailored to meet the individual needs and goals of each patient. From orchiectomy and scrotectomy to vaginoplasty, vulvaplasty, and more, our team is dedicated to helping individuals achieve the physical changes they desire while prioritizing their emotional and mental well-being.

In this blog post, we will delve more deeply into each procedure offered at Reconstructive Surgical Arts, providing information, tips, and advice for individuals considering gender confirmation surgery.

Why is gender affirmation surgery done?

Gender affirmation surgery is a profoundly important step for individuals whose gender identity doesn't align with the sex they were assigned at birth. It's a deeply personal decision made to alleviate the distress and discomfort associated with this incongruence, known as gender dysphoria. 

By undergoing this surgery, individuals aim to bring their physical appearance more in line with their true selves, promoting a sense of authenticity, comfort, and emotional well-being. It empowers them to live their lives more openly, comfortably, and in alignment with their true identity, ultimately fostering a deeper sense of self-acceptance and mental well-being. This surgery is a vital aspect of their journey towards embracing their true identity and finding peace within themselves.

Popular Gender Confirmation Procedures


An orchiectomy is a surgical procedure in which the testicles are removed. This procedure is often the first step for individuals assigned male at birth who are transitioning to a female or non-binary identity. By removing the source of testosterone production, an orchiectomy helps to reduce masculine characteristics and allows for the development of more feminine features.

During the procedure, small incisions are made in the scrotum, and the testes are carefully removed. The scrotum may be left intact or removed depending on personal preference. Recovery time for an orchiectomy is relatively short, and most individuals can resume normal activities within a few weeks.


Scrotectomy is a surgical procedure that involves the removal of the scrotum. This procedure is often performed in conjunction with an orchiectomy or as a standalone surgery for individuals who wish to eliminate their scrotal tissue and reduce dysphoria related to the presence of this anatomical feature.

During a scrotectomy, the scrotal tissue is carefully excised, leaving a smooth and flat surface in its place. The incisions are typically made along the natural creases of the scrotum to minimize scarring. Recovery time for a scrotectomy is similar to that of an orchiectomy, with most individuals being able to resume normal activities within a few weeks.


Vaginoplasty is a complex surgical procedure that constructs a neovagina, allowing transgender women and non-binary individuals assigned male at birth to have anatomically correct genitalia. This procedure involves creating a vaginal canal, clitoral hood, labia minora, and labia majora using existing penile and scrotal tissue.

The surgical technique used for vaginoplasty may vary depending on factors such as individual anatomy, desired outcomes, and surgeon expertise. Common techniques include penile inversion, sigmoid colon vaginoplasty, and intestinal vaginoplasty. Each technique has its advantages and disadvantages, and it is essential to discuss these options with your surgeon to determine the most appropriate approach for you.


Vulvaplasty is a surgical procedure that focuses on creating a natural-looking vulva, enhancing the external appearance to align with a transgender woman or non-binary individual's gender identity. This procedure is often performed in conjunction with vaginoplasty or as a standalone surgery for individuals who wish to modify their external genitalia.

During a vulvaplasty, the surgeon carefully sculpts the labia majora and labia minora, creating a symmetrical and aesthetically pleasing appearance. The clitoral hood may also be addressed to improve sensitivity and enhance sexual pleasure. The goal of vulvaplasty is to create a vulva that looks and functions as closely as possible to that of a cisgender woman.

Penile Sparing Vaginoplasty

Penile sparing vaginoplasty is a specialized technique that preserves the penile skin to create a neovagina, providing optimal functional and aesthetic outcomes. This technique is particularly suitable for individuals who desire to maintain sensation and erogenous potential in their neovagina while still achieving a feminine appearance.

During a penile sparing vaginoplasty, the surgeon carefully dissects and separates the penile skin from the underlying erectile tissue. The penile skin is then used to create the neovaginal canal while preserving the sensory nerves and blood supply. This technique allows for the preservation of erogenous sensation in the neovagina, enhancing sexual pleasure and satisfaction.


Metoidioplasty is a surgical procedure that is typically performed on transgender men or non-binary individuals assigned female at birth who desire genital masculinization. This procedure utilizes the hormonal growth of the clitoris, known as clitoromegaly, that occurs during testosterone therapy to create a neopenis.

During metoidioplasty, the surgeon releases the ligaments that restrict the growth of the clitoral tissue, allowing it to extend further and resemble a small phallus. The urethra may be rerouted to allow for standing urination, and the labia minora can be redesigned to create a scrotum-like appearance. Testicular implants can also be added if desired.


Phalloplasty is a comprehensive surgical procedure performed on transgender men or non-binary individuals assigned female at birth who desire male genital reconstruction. This procedure involves the construction of a neophallus using various techniques, including tissue grafts, microvascular surgery, and the use of penile implants.

The specific technique used for phalloplasty varies depending on individual factors such as desired outcomes, donor site availability, and surgeon expertise. Common donor sites include the forearm, thigh, and back. The neophallus is created using a combination of tissue flaps and grafts to provide a functional and aesthetically pleasing result.

Gender Nullification

Gender nullification is a surgical procedure that involves the removal of external genitalia without creating a new set of genitals. This procedure is typically chosen by individuals who identify as non-binary or have a desire to eliminate their existing genitalia altogether.

During gender nullification surgery, the surgeon carefully removes the external genitalia, including the penis, scrotum, and labia. The procedure aims to create a flat, smooth surface in the genital area, aligning with the individual's gender identity.

Benefits of Gender Confirmation Surgery

Gender Confirmation Surgery an offer a range of physical, emotional, and psychological benefits to individuals who choose to undergo these procedures: 

Alleviation of Gender Dysphoria:

For many individuals, aligning their physical appearance with their gender identity can lead to increased comfort and well-being.

Improved Mental Health:

Gender confirmation surgery has been shown to contribute positively to mental health outcomes. Many individuals report feeling a sense of relief, increased self-esteem, and a greater overall sense of well-being after undergoing these procedures.

Improved Body Image:

Gender confirmation surgery can help people feel more comfortable and aligned with their physical bodies. This improved body image can positively impact self-esteem and self-perception.

Increased Comfort in Intimate Relationships:

These procedures can lead to increased comfort and confidence in intimate relationships, allowing individuals to engage in physical intimacy with a greater sense of congruence between their body and identity.

Ease of Social Interactions:

Surgery can help individuals navigate social interactions with greater ease, as they are more likely to be perceived in a way that aligns with their gender identity. This can lead to reduced stress and anxiety in social situations.

Empowerment and Authenticity:

It is a powerful step towards living authentically as one's true self. It can provide a deep sense of empowerment and alignment between one's inner identity and outer appearance.

Embracing Authenticity: Your Journey to a Transformed Life

At Reconstructive Surgical Arts, we understand that gender confirmation surgery is a deeply personal journey. Our dedicated team is committed to providing compassionate, expert care to help you achieve your desired physical changes while prioritizing your emotional well-being. We encourage you to schedule a consultation to discuss your goals, learn more about the procedures we offer, and begin your transformative surgical journey.


Phalloplasty vs. Metoidioplasty: Understanding Gender-Affirming Surgical Options


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