Metoidioplasty at Reconstructive Surgical Arts

At Reconstructive Surgical Arts, we help you take your next step in your journey to authentic self-expression and gender affirmation. We are a leading clinic specializing in gender affirming care, including metoidioplasty, and offer unparalleled expertise and compassionate care to transgender individuals seeking to align their physical bodies with their true identities.

With a deep commitment to excellence and innovation, our team is dedicated to guiding you through every step of your transformation, providing personalized treatments, and ensuring your physical and emotional well-being.

Reconstructive Surgical Arts has been at the forefront of gender affirming care in Columbus, Ohio for 7 years now. If you're ready to bring your outer appearance into harmony with your inner truth, we're here to listen, guide, and partner with you before, during and after your surgery. Discover how metoidioplasty can reaffirm your identity!

Unveiling the Affirming Power of Metoidioplasty Surgery

For many, metoidioplasty offers an empowering path towards gender confirmation without the intricacy of phalloplasty surgery. With expert techniques to release and reposition clitoral tissue, we can sculpt an elegant, natural-appearing neophallus.

While the neophallus is smaller than those achieved through phalloplasty, for some, this anatomy feels just right. We understand this surgery represents a vulnerable, intimate decision. Our team will honor your spirit through every step of your journey with gentle, skilled hands and open hearts.

Metoidioplasty can bring profound relief of dysphoria and new alignment with your identity, transforming lives physically and emotionally. However you envision gender confirmation, we are here to listen and thoughtfully co-create a treatment plan just for you. You have our deepest care and respect.

Our Surgical Approach

At Reconstructive Surgical Arts, our surgical approach involves customized treatment plans based on individual patient needs. We work with each patient to ensure that they receive the best possible care that addresses their specific concerns.

Post-Surgery Care and Support

We understand that your care journey does not end with the surgery. After your surgery, we provide continued care and support through postoperative follow-ups and support groups to ensure that you have the resources and support you need for full recovery.

Benefits of Metoidioplasty and Other Gender Affirming Surgeries

Improve Your Physical and Emotional Well-being

Gender affirming surgeries like metoidioplasty can significantly improve the physical and emotional well-being of those who receive them. These surgeries help you align your body with your gender identity, which can reduce the discomfort and dysphoria that often accompany gender incongruence.

Regain and Enhance Your Self-Confidence

Gender affirming surgeries help improve your self-confidence by allowing you to present as your authentic self. When you feel aligned inside and out, it can help you develop a more positive outlook on life overall.

Live a Fulfilling Life

Gender affirming surgeries have been shown to improve the overall quality of life for many transgender individuals. By removing barriers to presenting as their authentic selves, these surgeries allow individuals to engage fully in their lives, relationships, and communities.

Your Journey to Authenticity

Consultation and Assessment

At Reconstructive Surgical Arts, we conduct an extensive consultation and assessment to determine whether metoidioplasty is the best gender affirming surgery for your specific needs. During your consultation and assessment, we take the time to answer your questions and address any concerns you might have about the process.

Customized Treatment Plans

We understand that every patient has unique needs and preferences. We work with you to develop a customized treatment plan that is tailored to your needs, preferences, and goals.

Skilled Surgical Team

Our team of highly-skilled and experienced urologists is committed to providing you with the best possible care. We use the latest techniques and technology to ensure optimal results for all our patients.

Leave Your Surgery in Hands of a Metoidioplasty Expert

Our very own Dr. Cris McClung is a board-certified urologist with fellowship training in reconstructive and trauma surgery. His extensive surgical experience translates to outstanding outcomes in metoidioplasty procedures.

As certified urologist with fellowship training in reconstructive and trauma surgery, Dr. McClung pursued specialized education in gender confirmation procedures after managing complications in patients who had bottom surgery from other centers. The satisfaction that came from working with gender diverse patients made him dedicate his practice entirely to gender affirming care, and eventually began performing these surgeries himself.

Now, Dr. McClung has been performing metoidioplasty and other bottom surgeries for 7 years, which have helped over 200 patients in their transitional journey.

His expertise, coupled with his passion for gender affirming surgical care, allows him to deliver life-changing results and compassionate support to every person that puts their trust in Reconstructive Surgical Arts.

Why Choose Reconstructive Surgical Arts for Your Metoidioplasty?

Excellence and Innovation

As pioneers in gender affirmation surgery, Reconstructive Surgical Arts delivers outstanding surgical care. We are constantly learning about the latest techniques and technologies to provide the best possible patient experience and results.

Empathy and Understanding

We strive to create an open, caring environment where patients feel safe, accepted, and understood. Our compassionate team appreciates and understands the courage involved in exploring gender affirmation surgery.

Transparency and Guidance

We provide comprehensive pre-surgical guidance to help you prepare for metoidioplasty surgery. This includes information on what to expect before, during, and after the surgery, as well as information on any preoperative requirements that you need to fulfill and comprehensive aftercare and support to ensure that your recovery is supported and successful.

Time to Embrace the True You

Undergoing metoidioplasty is a courageous, personal decision that can be life-changing in the most affirming ways. At Reconstructive Surgical Arts, we understand how much trust goes into taking this step. You can feel completely secure putting your care in the capable hands of our metoidioplasty specialist and professional team for 5-star support, education, and aftercare.

We know you may have questions about your metoidioplasty, and we are here to answer them. Contact Reconstructive Surgical Arts today to schedule a consultation with Dr. McClung. Share your vision for gender confirmation, and let's thoughtfully explore your surgical options together.

The time for your authentic life is now. We can't wait to partner with you!