Scrotectomy at Reconstructive Surgical Arts

Scrotectomy surgery is a crucial component of gender affirming care for transgender individuals. At Reconstructive Surgical Arts, we are dedicated to helping individuals align their bodies with their authentic gender identity through various means, including medication and surgery. We understand that our bodies, including our genitals, do not define our gender, and we aim to assist individuals in achieving fulfilling lives.

We believe in the transformative power of gender affirmation surgeries and recognize the life-saving importance of addressing the discrepancy that may exist between one's authentic gender identity and their physical body. Our mission is to help individuals lead authentic and fulfilling lives by providing comprehensive gender affirming care.

Learn more about scrotectomies and how we do it at Reconstructive Surgical Arts!

All You Need To Know About Scrotectomy

What is a Scrotectomy?

Scrotectomy involves surgically removing the scrotum, often along with removal of the testicles (orchiectomy) for transgender women or nonbinary people seeking gender affirmation. This delicate procedure reshapes the genital anatomy to be more aligned with your desired gender identity.

For those who may consider a vaginoplasty in the future, we don't recommend scrotectomy at this time. The scrotal skin can be very useful for crafting the vaginal canal during vaginoplasty surgery. However, there are still options if you change your mind down the road. Reconstructive Surgical Arts is a safe space for your transition journey.

Get a Personalized Surgical Approach

At Reconstructive Surgical Arts, we take a personalized and tailored approach to scrotectomy surgery. We work closely with our patients to understand their specific needs and goals. Our experienced surgical team utilizes advanced techniques to ensure the best possible outcomes for our patients. We prioritize safety, precision, and attention to detail throughout the surgical process.

We Support You Long After Your Procedure

We understand that your journey does not end with the surgery. After your scrotectomy procedure, we provide comprehensive post-operative care and support. Our team will guide you through the recovery process, ensuring that you have the resources and support necessary for a successful healing journey. We are here to address any concerns and answer any questions you may have during this crucial time.

Benefits of Scrotectomy and Other Gender Affirming Surgeries

Physical and Emotional Well-being

Gender affirming surgeries, including scrotectomy, can have a profound impact on the physical and emotional well-being of the individuals that seek them. These surgeries help align their bodies with their gender identity, reducing dysphoria and discomfort. By bringing harmony between their authentic selves and physical bodies, individuals often experience improved mental health and overall well-being.

Enhanced Self-Confidence

Gender affirming surgeries, such as scrotectomy, can significantly enhance self-confidence. By aligning their bodies with their gender identity, individuals can present themselves authentically and feel greater self-assurance. This boost in self-confidence can positively impact various aspects of their lives, including relationships, work, and overall quality of life.

Improved Quality of Life

Gender affirming surgeries have been shown to improve the overall quality of life for many transgender individuals. By aligning their bodies with their authentic gender identity, individuals can fully engage in their lives, relationships, and communities. Removing barriers to self-expression allows individuals to live more authentically and embrace their true selves.

This Will Be Your Path Towards Authenticity

Consultation and Assessment

At Reconstructive Surgical Arts, we begin your journey to authenticity with a thorough consultation and assessment. We take the time to understand your specific needs, goals, and concerns. Our team will discuss the scrotectomy procedure in detail, ensuring that you have a clear understanding of the process. We are here to address any questions or uncertainties you may have, providing you with the information necessary to make informed decisions about your care.

Customized Treatment Plans

We recognize that each individual's journey is unique, and we develop customized treatment plans to meet your specific needs and preferences. Our team works closely with you to ensure that your scrotectomy surgery aligns with your desired outcomes. We prioritize open communication and collaboration, ensuring that you feel involved in the decision-making process every step of the way.

Skilled Surgical Team

At Reconstructive Surgical Arts, you can trust that your scrotectomy surgery will be performed by a skilled and experienced surgical team. Led by Dr. McClung, our team has extensive expertise in gender affirming surgeries. We utilize the latest techniques and technology to deliver optimal results, prioritizing your safety and satisfaction.

Why Choose Reconstructive Surgical Arts for Your Scrotectomy?

Expertise and Experience

Reconstructive Surgical Arts is led by Dr. McClung, a board-certified urologist with specialized fellowship training in reconstructive and trauma surgery. While initially focusing on cis-gender reconstruction, congenitalism, and trauma, Dr. McClung was drawn to gender health through the management of complications in patients who had previously undergone bottom surgeries elsewhere. He has since dedicated his practice entirely to gender healthcare and has performed over 200 feminizing bottom surgeries, including scrotectomy.

Patient-Centered Care

At Reconstructive Surgical Arts, our patients are at the heart of everything we do. We understand that every individual's journey is unique, and we strive to provide personalized care that is tailored to their specific needs and goals. We take the time to listen, understand, and address any concerns, ensuring our patients feel supported throughout their journey.

Comprehensive Approach

We believe in taking a comprehensive approach to gender affirming care. We understand that surgery is just one aspect of a larger journey towards authenticity. Our team works closely with our patients to provide holistic care that includes emotional, psychological, and physical well-being. By addressing all aspects of gender affirmation, we aim to support our patients in achieving their desired outcomes.

The Values That Drive Us

Empathy and Understanding

We approach each patient with empathy and understanding, recognizing the unique challenges they may face. We create a safe and supportive environment where individuals can openly express their concerns and needs. Our team is committed to providing compassionate care that respects each patient's journey.

Inclusivity and Respect

At Reconstructive Surgical Arts, we are dedicated to providing care that is inclusive and respectful. We understand that gender identity is diverse, and we treat every patient with dignity and respect, regardless of their gender identity, race, ethnicity, or cultural background. We are committed to creating a welcoming environment where everyone feels valued and understood.

Excellence and Innovation

We are committed to excellence in all aspects of our practice. Our team stays updated with the latest advancements in gender affirming care, ensuring that our patients receive the highest quality treatment in all areas.

Your Best Days Are Just Ahead of You

Deciding to undergo a scrotectomy is a personal choice that can lift a heavy burden. At Reconstructive Surgical Arts, we understand the courage this decision requires. You can feel safe entrusting your care to our experienced scrotectomy specialist and compassionate team.

We provide 5-star support, education, and aftercare so you can recover with confidence. If you have questions about scrotectomy, we are here with answers. Contact us today to schedule a consultation with Dr. McClung to thoughtfully discuss the best road for you.

We look forward to accompanying you on your journey toward comfort and confidence!